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Cullen Goodyear, World Champion Triathlete

I'm a personal trainer, swim coach, and world champion in ironman and half ironman (2013, women 65-69). I first met Meredith several years ago. From the very first session with her, I knew she would be a PT I would come to trust completely with any injury might befall me (and there were many!). But also, she has become my friend. When you are being treated by her, you are the only person she is with; she doesn't go from one patient to another, then finally back to you some time later. She is completely hands on. As well as in depth knowledge, she has an insight into finding the underlying problem, which ensures complete recovery.  Another exceptional feature is that she is available via email if you have further questions. On New Year's Eve 2010, I had a major accident on my bike. My hips were very badly damaged and twisted. Through Meredith's care, I was finally able to recover and race. Since, I have gone back for treatments on a regular basis, as my body has tried to accommodate all the training that is required for high performance in my sport. I have such faith in Meredith's skills that I have referred many clients and family to her care.


Mike Cobban, Health and Fitness Enthusiast

When I injured my shoulder in a bicycle accident, Meredith was my physio therapist. Her dedication, professionalism and skills as a physio therapist allowed me to recover in record time with full mobility and strength. I would highly recommend her to anyone who is serious about recovering from injury as her holistic approach to rehabilitation and recovery led to an excellent outcome.

Dave Smith, Runner

 have been fortunate to know several very good physiotherapists in my life but Meredith has topped the charts for me. I was referred to her by my trainer who could not say enough good things about her and now I can't stop talking of her to my friends about how amazing she has been in helping me tackle some long nagging issues. I had been resigned that I would just have to live with the way certain things were. I like to run for exercise but my lower back and hips were a constant cause of pain and tingling in my feet. It would also affect my gait which would result in soreness in my legs because I was out of synch over longer distances. As an endurance athlete, Meredith knows the drive people have to be active and had a very confident approach with me. The first time I met with her and she assessed me, she declared “we can fix this”. I felt, really? I had given up after much trying… but she has been right. Through a combination of physical treatments (don't let her size confuse her strength!), acupuncture and a series of progress exercises, I have seen amazing improvements and now have a program I have for life that will help my core stay strong, stable and flexible. I have no reservations recommending Meredith to anyone who yearns to be active and wants to enjoy their body the way it use to be! Thanks Meredith!

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